
finally i reached that last entry that was overdued.. =p
this is gonna be about the shopping session and dinner...
just before CNY, we decided to be bad again..
bad in the sense of spending money~~~
both not workin.. no income... yet shopping and spending money...

bought quite a few items that day.. spent quite abit also...
but those are definitely good buys... and i am SURE!!
i really love to be out wif bestie...
the shoppin, the chattin, the gossiping, the criticising... lol
every little thg.. can really lighten my day...
and definitely not forgetting camwhoring... this had been our fav past time since 13 lor.. lol...
it had been some time since we last camwhored together.. and seems that our skills are not as great as b4.. =p

we had our dinner at pasta mania cineleisure after gerard joined us...
uncle gerard super furnie lor.. its his 2nd time to Pasta mania.. lol..
after dinner its coffee session.. we didnt had it at any kopitiam lor..
it was coffeeclub express.. the uncle give in la.. =p
had a fun time chatting, taking pics and listening to uncle's story.. lol
this uncle is really young at heart lor...this is the pic i edited.. not bad rite...
in the pic its the poloroid pics taken by min's camera...
nice leh.. lol...
each of us had 3 copies..
mine are alrady pasted on my 2009 board.. keke..
thanks bestie... looking forward to meeting up wif Gerard again..
and as for bestie.. lol.. no need to say de la. MUST meet de lor..


had been ages since i had steamboat with the gers..
and this time round we chose steamboat for the reason that we can sit and chill for a longer time...

just before CNY, we head to Bugis and to our usual steamboat shop for dinner...
i always loves sessions like this despite the fact that i am risking my figure all the time... =p
we really spent time there lor was there frm about 830pm till close to 11pm..
super drag.. we simply take our time to eat, talk and take pics.. lol
after which, as taka suggested.. we head towards haji lane to chill...
i am falling in love wif this place...
as its a monday night, its not as crowded as usual..
we managed to get a great seat on the 2nd level.. quiet and comfortable..
and guess wat we did...
we played 'snake and ladder'..
lol.. not bad rite... lol

its a night of talking, sharing and discussion...
most of the common/usual topics were discussed...
and i also managed to share with them regarding some stuff that happened to me recentli... some experiences i encountered....
managed to get some feedbacks and comments... really glad..
stuff had been kept in my heart for some time.. really felt terrible...
finally let out a little.. =)Pics of me.. and candid shots taken by Junna...
Pics tells a thousand words... i completely reflects how i feel that night =(

Jason's Birthday!!

Had been so so long since i last updated regarding all the gatherings and meet-ups... lol
so for the beginning of the year of Ox (my Year) i am gonna completed all the entries that are way overdue.. =p

Attended Jason's 28th Birthday Celebration at Haji Lane's Merdandy Bar opened by our senior..
most of the people who attended are my seniors in sec sch... at least 2 yrs older than me...
really happy to meet up wif them again...

almost all attached except Brenda and Eric korkor...
hmm.. maeb can consider making them a couple also??? lol
This is the Birthday boy Jason.. had been ages since i last met him...
This is Me and Brenda jiejie.. as usual she always gets herself caught in 'love triangle' All the best to u... may u find ur prince charming soon..
This is Eric korkor.. the one whom i pissed in Stats class..
he too mafan le.. too many criteria le..
really need to hurry find one gf wor.. if not ....
the whole session was pretty fun and interesting....
looking forward to another round of gathering...

新年快乐, 牛年快乐

Angie Wishes all her family, dear dear, friends and people who knows her

新年快乐, 牛年快乐
身体健康, 事事顺心

Gong Xi Gong Xi!!

Stressful January

Now its 5:30am on a Sunday morning....
I am still awake.. lol..
jus gt back frm St james.. Went to meet up wif the gers and guy (Taka).. Junna, Pris, Teresa & Shermaine...
had a short yet fun dancing session.. keke...
i am sooOoo tired.. but still.. cant slp.. lol... and tts y i am here...

This is an unusual January..
cos this january angela is freaking free...
no work.. hmmm... i dunno if this is good or bad.. lol
stressed... i guess i really need to start looking for a job..
really worried abt this.. bad economy.. dunno if can find a 'proper' job..
*pray hard*

Stressful start for a month...
weird rite.. no work still stress..
tts bcos i still have sch...
jus cleared my examination fee of close to $2K.. haiz...
exam also need money.. somemore not cheap lor...
exam timetable also out..

the dates are NOT OK at all..
i have 2 papers on the 1st day of the exams...
2 heavy modules in 1 day lor.. Accounting and Sociology...
die liao die liao... have to start to revise earlier...
*continue to pray hard*

CNY coming.. alot of thgs to help prepare le..
since i not working.. i am not eligible to participate in all sorts of New Year purchases... *cry cry*
1st time CNY no $$ to buy thgs i like... argh.. *endure endure*
wanna clear all my debts and stuff b4 CNY...
*still continue to pray hard*

Derrick aka Taka is back frm the States for Holiday...
Met him yst for lunch and also coffee..
this meet up is really fantastic...
cos seldom we get to sit down and have a good chat...
talked quite abit.. sharing our recent experience and happenings...
learned alot frm him regarding his life in states and his travel details..
This is taken at Billy cafe (if i didnt rem the name wrongly).. Nice place..
Taka intro de.. i like tt place.. gonna go back and chill some day...

Taka was oni away for 7 mths.. and everythg had changed..
the people and their behaviours.. but taka is still the same old him..
lol.. disturb oni...
oh.. mus compliment abit.. more mature le.. not bad not bad...

gonna arrange for another gathering with them soon.. keke..
loves sessions hanging out wif them...

Stepping Into 2009

this will be my 1st entry in 2009...
1st entry of the year.. and also a late one.. lol
the reason is------------ i really dunno how to start off...

at the beginning of every year, i will start wif an entry for the year's New Year Resolution..
i really have problem coming up wif my new year resoultion 2009...
HEADACHE!! not bcos i dunno wat to write..
Its bcos i have TOO MANY to write.. LOL

had been thking alot(as i have plenty of time now lor) and i am at a dead end.. 2008 had cause quite an impact to me emotionally physically and mentally..

too many thgs happened throughout the year..
too many decisions to make..
too many headaches to bear...
too many worries ....

2009 is a brand new year once again.. i really hope that this will b a better year..
luck had never been as bad as 2008.. really prayed that 2008 is the limit le..
BETTER 2009 Ahead!! Better Path for Angela..

Wanna get rid of all the irritating stuff and i wan a HAPPIER 2009!!

A major decision had been made in 2008..
A major step forward... i dunno if this is good or bad for me..
but it seem good for him...

2009 seem unclear now.. i dunno y..

Finally Started my sch days in mid 2008...
2009 marks the end of yr 1 that also means..

i dunno if i am able to cope with it...
Have to work Hard!!
Azzza Azzza Fighting!!!

In 2008, this is something that made me felt worried and irritated most of the time...
Left AP Com and Went to a New place TMX.
Left TMX also aft 3 mths due to some irritating issues..
Now i am once again jobless.... haiz...

I am made to start 2009 by looking for new job..
hopefully i will have luck in this... get a better job and better income...

Every year, friends come and go.. in and out of my life...
2008 is also the same..
but i am not as affected as when i am in 2007...

Managed to get some good pals this year..
new gang of buddies and family...
The UGlys and the "le le wu" family... Junna and also emily...
AP Com family.... SP, Nessa, Jane, Deb, Darren, WeiXuan...
TMX New friends... Jestin, Joey, Viviane, Michele, Ferlyn, Joy...

My usual gers had been great as usual..
Today marks the 11th Anniversary of me and my bestie Mindy!!
Happy Anniversary Bestie!! *muacks*

Things had been perfect for everyone's health and happiness level..
as for individuals.. theres some up and downs..
some stuff happened but we managed to go through it as a whole family..
Everyone.. Hand in Hand..
I love u all more and more la.. lol...

I am really looking forward to my 2009.
And i will make sure that its a Wonderful 2009!!
Angela wishes her family, friends, and their love ones a happy and lovely 2009!!
Best Wishes!!!