You Are Fairly Skeptical

You're not the type of person who will fall for anything...
But you do keep your mind open to all sorts of possibilities.
You figure that anything could be true. After all, the world is a strange place.
However, you're going to need some convincing before you can believe in aliens or reincarnation!

You Are More Mild Than Wild

You're confident, and you really aren't concerned with how "hot" you are.
Other people's ideas of what's sexy don't concern you. And this is exactly what makes you attractive.

You Are 80% Pure

You're so innocent, it's almost like you're not human.
Taking this test is probably the naughtiest thing you've done in a while!

Busy Busy week for me...
NOn-stop work since last thurs...

spoiling my mood for weekend...
spoiling my mood for my Bday celebration...
Spoiling my mood for mood for everythg...


Had a great pre-Birthday celebration party wif all my friends....
i realli enjoyed..
THanks a million guys...

I am already 22 now...
scary... 16 yrs old seems jus yesterdae...
i missed it...


sorry... will try to find time n meet u de k...
pls dun b angry and pls understand k...

had been missin out alot in slpin...
didnt have enough rest...
no beauty slp = ugly ger
I MUST find TIME to SLEEP !!!

MIss u badly here~~~
i am not lazy ...
i am busy la...

some ppl complain y i so lazy never update my blog...
no lor..
gt tonnes of thgs to do...
also need to upload pics, edit color.. combine...
hey hey...
need time de leh...

Last friday was Good Friday...
indeed a great friday...
Cos PH... no need to wrk...
So happy... lol...

earli in the morning went for appointment...
hair colorin... yeah!!!
Now i am 'ANG MO' lor..
HAHA... :p
Finally my half done hair is completely done...
then went out wif Eric...
die lor...
3 meals in less than 4 hrs...
started off wif my ramen..
then to mango ice..
followed by oyster mee sua and chicken...
wah... gonna burst in no time man...
keke... as i gt craving for the chicken wings at K-box..
we went to praradize K Box...
happily singing wif my bloated tummy...
finally feel ok le.. wanna get my wings...
THEN... i realise...
That STUPID kbox STOPPED selling wings le...
wah.. *faintz*
waste my time n effort...
make me crave.. then kill my cravin on the spot...
no choice lor..
bear wif it lor...
but i am ANGRy..
who say WOman who is NOT hungry CanNot be ANGRY !!
Last week pretty down...
down as in, me... physically down...
had fever for consecutive 3 days followed by sleepless nights at chalet...

wah... almost killed me...
finally came to an end and started this week fresh..
who knows...

had a bad fall...
very very bad...
injured my left knee and sprained my right ankle..
power hor... Lol

it had been SOOOOOoooooooOOoooo Long since i last fell..
and this time...
Finally i fell... (its often to see me loosin balance)
lol... i know its bad to use the word finally... but....
this is angela... lol...

injured legs caused to me walk like a penguin...
this is how my bestie mindy describe me as lor...
win liao rite...

met the gers on tue for dinner plus chit chat...
finally get to see chelle after so long...
nice time catchin up with all of them...

Chelle is one of my longest friend le...
12 yrs buddy... :p

Min oni 9 lor... lol... but diff la...
min is bestie ma... (Oops)

Great to know that these gers are alwaes standing by me...

love u gers... *muacks*