
Now its almost 530 am in the morning and amazingly angela is still awake..
and wat keeps me awake till now..

its my 1st Assignment...

abit kiasu la.. but i spent the last few hours doin the 1st assignment for sociology..
lol.. amazin rite..
seldom i so hardworking de lor...

finally i am done..
and to tell the truth..


I had done somethg bad that made u worry abt me..
i am so sorry..
sorry sorry sorry....
It had been more than a week since i declare my Tai Tai lifestyle..
lol... pretty happy so far..
finally have time to meet up wif friends and to do thgs that i had long wanted to do...

i dunno why.. regardless how much i rest recentli..
i still feel tired.. very tired..
still feel that its nt enough...
nvm.. i have the time all to myself now..
jus rest as much as i want now...

Met bestie last friday after my interview..
lunch.. shopping... argh.. spent a little...
retail therapy la.. lol
it had been so long since i last camwhore wif her..
almost lost the magic in it...

retail therapy gt a little scary on my side..
made quite a few purchases...
my new dresses and tops..
very good buys... i saved almost half lor.. 2 of the tops are gift frm my aunt's friend.. free de...
save money again.. lol

definitly i spent on my top fav again....
which is MAXi DRESSES!!
i am realli crazy over it...
i love this cut.. its very this too..

Share with you guys some experience wif my maxi dresses...
i came to realise my dog hates maxi dresses..
lol.. he keeps biting my skirt when i wore these...

i wore one of the dresses to sch 1 day...
while trying to board the bus... an idiot stepped on my skirt frm behind...
and the best part is.. he didnt even know..
and when i turn ard and look at him... he didnt get the hint either...
and i have to 'pull' my skirt a little to let him know tt he is steppin on my skirt.. lol

i am havin good time attending classes and meetin up wif friends..
gonna rest awhile more before i head to do job hunting...

i guess i will need some time to speak to myself.. needa talk to myself...

Tai Tai Wannabe!!

Last friday is my OFFICIAL LAST DAY in AP Com....
I am Getting My freedom finalli....

ThiS is the beginning of my good life... and thgs will definitly get better...
i am very sure...
nuttin beats the feelin of leavin the company.. lol
(sounds crude rite)
i guess oni ppl who had experienced it b4 can understand...
(can seek darren's opinion) lol

i can simply say...
hehe... realli lor...
never so relax... never so relieve..

the oni thg i worry now is my Vitamin M lor...
but nvm... spend less and hurry find a new job... lol.. yeah!!

He realli cheers me up!

This boy of mine realli cheers me up...

Monday in the Office

Angie sitting at her desk at 5:52pm trying to post an entry... =p

Shit fell on her causing her to have a depressing Monday... argh...
The oni thg tt will cheer her up now is the though of going to the range... argh...
cant wait to leave this place... cant wait to go...

Darren left AP com 2 weeks ago...
And guess wat... his last day with the company is the day he tenders his resignation...
lol... he simply has too mani leaves to clear...
on top of havin the priviledge to leave on the spot... the company will still have to pay him 5 days leave that he had not claimed... lol
all ap commers simply has too much leaves to clear...

I guess the day i tenders my resignation.. i will have tha same priviledge ba..
or maeb more?? or less?? lol...
doesnt matter.. all i care is whether i get to leave asap... =p

Bad darren... left on the day when i am not ard... haiz...
cant even say bye bye to my buddy... argh...
but nvm.. cos i feel happy for you tt u can leave this place...
Thanks so much for all the help these few years.. thanks
you had been a great friend, great pal and great buddy to work with...
thanks for all the 5pm (old schedule) jokes and riddles...
gonna miss u alot when u not in office...
gonna miss your 'gay boy' image..... =p
Take care ok! all the best to you... Keep in contact ya...

today will be the day he reports to his new job...
All the best Bro!
*Not this expression anymore in the new company ok.. u will scare your new colleagues =p*
**This is taken when we personalised each other's caller image..*

New buys!!

I realised tt i had missed out on alot of entries...
alot of events and stuff that had happened were not updated in my blog...

and now when i am free to update...
i forgt most of the details already...

must try to recall...
meanwhile... heres some mini updates...

1. Arrival of my spree items!!

my dresses had arrived... yeah yeah!!
i am both happy and disappointed at the same time...
this time round its not the material that upsets me.. its the design...

Yellow dress: now i reaslise i look idiotic in round neck dresses... argh
Pink Dress: lol.. this is too cute compared to the pic.. a little drama la.. but dun look too bad...
i love the middle dress.. jus tt its a little short... =p

2. My New Love - Maxi Dresses!
This is my new love... i fell in love wif maxi dresses...
i attempted to buy it online... and guess wat.. the parcel went missing...
and no news abt it lor.. sianz... waste my money lor... not gonna get frm the seller again...

managed to find some available in the market... went to try on.. and i kinda got hooked... lol..
angie is goining into Maxi craze!

3. New Buy - Checkered Dress
This is my new buy... checkered dress...
cute lor... i like it bcos of the skirt layering... keke...

New Loves of mine~~~~

Schooling Dayz!!!

It had been a Long Long time since i last went to school... lol
3 years le... had been missing school life for the past 3 years...


although not on a full time basis..but still..
i am schooling.. and i am attendin my classes...

my course finally started after such a long wait...
Tue was the 1st lesson i had in SIM...
keke... kinda rush lor...
left office ard 615 which is kinda earli compared to usual...
but still... i am late lor...
late by abt 10 mins...

but still i am kinda surprise...
985 realli shortens the trip alot...
cos oni abt 30 mins i reach bukit timah le...
tts pretty fast lor... but it has to depend on the jam at PIE la...

Lesson wasnt tt bad.. this sem i will be taking sociology...
sounds interesting rite.. lol...
indeed.. its a fun class...
the lecturer is pretty nice and the contents he went through is very interesting...
but it sounds realli hard to pass this module...
hopefully i can pull through wif my lousy english...

felt realli tired after class.. and the way is realli dreadful...
but dunno y.. i am lookin forward to the next lesson...

Oh ya... my classmates are kinda weird...
maeb bcos its a PT course.. so students are mainly working grp...
and in a way or another... no one is common lor...

On the 2nd lesson.. i managed to know this ger in class..
she is a lab engineer.... working in a fragrance lab...
not bad rite.. LOL...
my 1st friend in school...
Cecilia !! =p


Toys and Comics Fair 2008

Toys and Comics fair...
lol.. dont seem to b a event tt will catch angie's attention...
but the truth fact is...
I WENT! and i enjoyed... lol

was there with dear on Sunday b4 catching a movie at Marina...
theres a huge pool of ppl... hmmm... expected la.. cos nt much activities in spore..
Combi pics of some toys seen at the fair... Lego and Dolls..
these dolls are amazinly pretty... jus feel like grabbin 1 home lor...
but cant la.. to ex le...

There are a huge session for comics too..
as i am not a fan of any comic collection... i kinda skipped that cat.
but guess wat... i saw 'Lao Fu Zhi'lol.. we pose lor..
there is also a huge exhibit area for Wii... lol... realli caught my attention... especially Wii Fit...
i wan i wan i wan.... lol

this ger damn cute la.. she did all sorts of demo using Wii Fit.. damn cool...

Its a fun experience at the fair... i guess even if i know of this fair.. i wont delibrately make a trip down.. but this is a good experience afterall..



The pics above was taken last saturday when i went to help out at my aunt's stall..
This stall had been around at the current location least for the past 25 years...
previously it was located at Geylang where my grandma use to stay...

This is a stall of memories.. memories of my grandma, my late aunt, my childhood life and the fun and joyed shared by the whole family..
sad to say.. it came to an end last sunday, 30th June 2008
HDB doin a renovation to the location and it will take more than 6 mths..

My aunt is deciding if she still wants to continue holding on to the stall..
hopefully she does..
but even so.. its no longer like before