It had been more than a week since i declare my Tai Tai lifestyle..
lol... pretty happy so far..
finally have time to meet up wif friends and to do thgs that i had long wanted to do...

i dunno why.. regardless how much i rest recentli..
i still feel tired.. very tired..
still feel that its nt enough...
nvm.. i have the time all to myself now..
jus rest as much as i want now...

Met bestie last friday after my interview..
lunch.. shopping... argh.. spent a little...
retail therapy la.. lol
it had been so long since i last camwhore wif her..
almost lost the magic in it...

retail therapy gt a little scary on my side..
made quite a few purchases...
my new dresses and tops..
very good buys... i saved almost half lor.. 2 of the tops are gift frm my aunt's friend.. free de...
save money again.. lol

definitly i spent on my top fav again....
which is MAXi DRESSES!!
i am realli crazy over it...
i love this cut.. its very this too..

Share with you guys some experience wif my maxi dresses...
i came to realise my dog hates maxi dresses..
lol.. he keeps biting my skirt when i wore these...

i wore one of the dresses to sch 1 day...
while trying to board the bus... an idiot stepped on my skirt frm behind...
and the best part is.. he didnt even know..
and when i turn ard and look at him... he didnt get the hint either...
and i have to 'pull' my skirt a little to let him know tt he is steppin on my skirt.. lol

i am havin good time attending classes and meetin up wif friends..
gonna rest awhile more before i head to do job hunting...

i guess i will need some time to speak to myself.. needa talk to myself...