Monday in the Office

Angie sitting at her desk at 5:52pm trying to post an entry... =p

Shit fell on her causing her to have a depressing Monday... argh...
The oni thg tt will cheer her up now is the though of going to the range... argh...
cant wait to leave this place... cant wait to go...

Darren left AP com 2 weeks ago...
And guess wat... his last day with the company is the day he tenders his resignation...
lol... he simply has too mani leaves to clear...
on top of havin the priviledge to leave on the spot... the company will still have to pay him 5 days leave that he had not claimed... lol
all ap commers simply has too much leaves to clear...

I guess the day i tenders my resignation.. i will have tha same priviledge ba..
or maeb more?? or less?? lol...
doesnt matter.. all i care is whether i get to leave asap... =p

Bad darren... left on the day when i am not ard... haiz...
cant even say bye bye to my buddy... argh...
but nvm.. cos i feel happy for you tt u can leave this place...
Thanks so much for all the help these few years.. thanks
you had been a great friend, great pal and great buddy to work with...
thanks for all the 5pm (old schedule) jokes and riddles...
gonna miss u alot when u not in office...
gonna miss your 'gay boy' image..... =p
Take care ok! all the best to you... Keep in contact ya...

today will be the day he reports to his new job...
All the best Bro!
*Not this expression anymore in the new company ok.. u will scare your new colleagues =p*
**This is taken when we personalised each other's caller image..*