New buys!!

I realised tt i had missed out on alot of entries...
alot of events and stuff that had happened were not updated in my blog...

and now when i am free to update...
i forgt most of the details already...

must try to recall...
meanwhile... heres some mini updates...

1. Arrival of my spree items!!

my dresses had arrived... yeah yeah!!
i am both happy and disappointed at the same time...
this time round its not the material that upsets me.. its the design...

Yellow dress: now i reaslise i look idiotic in round neck dresses... argh
Pink Dress: lol.. this is too cute compared to the pic.. a little drama la.. but dun look too bad...
i love the middle dress.. jus tt its a little short... =p

2. My New Love - Maxi Dresses!
This is my new love... i fell in love wif maxi dresses...
i attempted to buy it online... and guess wat.. the parcel went missing...
and no news abt it lor.. sianz... waste my money lor... not gonna get frm the seller again...

managed to find some available in the market... went to try on.. and i kinda got hooked... lol..
angie is goining into Maxi craze!

3. New Buy - Checkered Dress
This is my new buy... checkered dress...
cute lor... i like it bcos of the skirt layering... keke...

New Loves of mine~~~~