Schooling Dayz!!!

It had been a Long Long time since i last went to school... lol
3 years le... had been missing school life for the past 3 years...


although not on a full time basis..but still..
i am schooling.. and i am attendin my classes...

my course finally started after such a long wait...
Tue was the 1st lesson i had in SIM...
keke... kinda rush lor...
left office ard 615 which is kinda earli compared to usual...
but still... i am late lor...
late by abt 10 mins...

but still i am kinda surprise...
985 realli shortens the trip alot...
cos oni abt 30 mins i reach bukit timah le...
tts pretty fast lor... but it has to depend on the jam at PIE la...

Lesson wasnt tt bad.. this sem i will be taking sociology...
sounds interesting rite.. lol...
indeed.. its a fun class...
the lecturer is pretty nice and the contents he went through is very interesting...
but it sounds realli hard to pass this module...
hopefully i can pull through wif my lousy english...

felt realli tired after class.. and the way is realli dreadful...
but dunno y.. i am lookin forward to the next lesson...

Oh ya... my classmates are kinda weird...
maeb bcos its a PT course.. so students are mainly working grp...
and in a way or another... no one is common lor...

On the 2nd lesson.. i managed to know this ger in class..
she is a lab engineer.... working in a fragrance lab...
not bad rite.. LOL...
my 1st friend in school...
Cecilia !! =p