Toys and Comics Fair 2008

Toys and Comics fair...
lol.. dont seem to b a event tt will catch angie's attention...
but the truth fact is...
I WENT! and i enjoyed... lol

was there with dear on Sunday b4 catching a movie at Marina...
theres a huge pool of ppl... hmmm... expected la.. cos nt much activities in spore..
Combi pics of some toys seen at the fair... Lego and Dolls..
these dolls are amazinly pretty... jus feel like grabbin 1 home lor...
but cant la.. to ex le...

There are a huge session for comics too..
as i am not a fan of any comic collection... i kinda skipped that cat.
but guess wat... i saw 'Lao Fu Zhi'lol.. we pose lor..
there is also a huge exhibit area for Wii... lol... realli caught my attention... especially Wii Fit...
i wan i wan i wan.... lol

this ger damn cute la.. she did all sorts of demo using Wii Fit.. damn cool...

Its a fun experience at the fair... i guess even if i know of this fair.. i wont delibrately make a trip down.. but this is a good experience afterall..
